Celebrating Women in Conservation on World Ranger Day

Female handler and dog

This World Ranger Day, we’re celebrating some incredible women in conservation. Their work not only safeguards important landscapes and wildlife but also paves the way for greater gender equality in conservation.

The Importance of North Luangwa

North Luangwa National Park, situated in the northeastern part of Zambia, is renowned for its pristine wilderness and diverse wildlife species. The park is home to many animals, including Zambia’s only population of black rhinos, which was reintroduced from 2003 – 2010 after poaching caused their local extinction in the 1990s. Thankfully, through long-term, strategic interventions like those undertaken by the team at the North Luangwa Conservation Programme, conservation efforts in this region have been effective at supporting and protecting endangered species like black rhinos, helping their populations to thrive.

Yet today, our focus isn’t on the rhinos themselves, but on the people that champion their conservation. Specifically, the women contributing to this vital cause.

The Impact of Women at North Luangwa

Historically, women have been underrepresented in wildlife conservation, particularly in decision-making roles. However, North Luangwa is breaking this pattern, actively supporting and empowering women across all roles, from mechanics to community scouts. Through skill development programmes and leadership opportunities, more women are taking on pivotal jobs to protect the unique Luangwa ecosystem. The female rangers of North Luangwa are changing the face of wildlife conservation.

These dedicated women are not only transforming wildlife protection as part of the Programme but also challenging societal norms. Many women working at North Luangwa are role models for their communities, demonstrating that dedication and passion can overcome traditional gender barriers. Their perseverance and success inspires others, especially young girls, to pursue careers in conservation, amplifying the message that their careers are not limited, and that conservation knows no gender boundaries.

How You Can Help

This World Ranger Day, you can support these incredible women and their mission. Donations to our fundraiser will contribute to training programmes for female and male staff, highlighting the essential roles of women in conservation. Funds will also be used to purchase crucial equipment tailored for female rangers, such as sports bras and period products, ensuring they can perform their duties safely, comfortably and effectively.

Your contribution, regardless of the amount, will make a significant impact. By supporting the women at North Luangwa, you are not only helping to protect wildlife but also promoting gender equality within the conservation field and beyond.

To donate, please click below. Every donation helps us move closer to a future where conservation is a truly inclusive effort.


Thank you for your support this World Ranger Day. You are celebrating women in conservation, helping to build a future where women and rhinos can thrive together.

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