Image of ranger and rhino sat in the long grass Image of ranger and rhino sat in the long grass

Credit: Will Roberts

Building a Legacy: Ensuring a Future for Rhinos

The story of Siabuwa and Bella

Rhino conservation is often reduced to numbers; how many remain, how many were born, how many were lost to poaching? But these numbers are made up of individual rhinos, each with its own story and playing a crucial role in the long-term survival of their species. Their legacy lies not just in their own lives but the generations they help create and the future they shape. 

 Siabuwa, a South-central black rhino in Zimbabwe, was rescued in 1992. Escaping the poaching crisis that gripped her region, she was moved into a safer location. In her new, secure landscape, she thrived – proving that with protection, rhinos can flourish and slowly recover their populations. Siabuwa gave birth to ten female calves, each of whom went on to have calves of their own. In 2023, Siabuwa passed away, but her legacy lives on through her descendants as they continue to grow Zimbabwe’s black rhino population.  

In Kenya, Bella, an Eastern black rhino, is at the beginning of her journey, but she has the potential to leave a lasting mark, just like Siabuwa. Abandoned by her mother, Bella was brought in by rangers at Ol Jogi Conservancy in 2023. Thanks to the team’s commitment to Bella’s care, she’s now a healthy young rhino with a bright future ahead. When she reaches maturity, Bella will be released from her boma to roam freely across the Conservancy’s wilderness. If she’s anything like Siabuwa, she could be responsible for growing the black rhino population significantly, not only supporting the rhinos at Ol Jogi but also enabling the much-needed recovery of Kenya’s national population. 

These stories are not just about individual rhinos; they demonstrate the small moments and decisions that enable long-term change. Conservation is a lifelong effort requiring resources, expertise, and unwavering dedication. The activities taking place now will impact the future of rhinos for decades to come. 

 You have the power to shape this future. By leaving a gift in your will to Save the Rhino, you can help ensure that other rhinos, like Siabuwa and Bella, can keep growing their populations. Your legacy can support anti-poaching efforts, fund veterinary care, and provide safe, resilient habitats that offer rhinos a chance not just to survive, but to thrive. Beyond rhinos, your legacy will also support other wildlife, help preserve breathtaking landscapes, and benefit people. 

Protecting our natural world and all within it matters today, tomorrow, and for generations to come. Your support can help reach a future where rhinos roam freely, they are no longer under threat, and their habitats are rich with diversity. Consider making a lasting impact to protect these incredible creatures and everything they offer our planet.