“What can I do to help?” How to reset our relationship with nature.

A discussion with the team behind #PledgeForOurFuture. Hosted by Save the Rhino International and Pledge For Our Future

Thuursday 3 December 2020

17:00 – 18:00 GMT



Claudio Sillero-Zubiri – Professor of Conservation Biology at the University of Oxford, Director of the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme, Director of Conservation at the Born Free Foundation:

Mirjam Hazenbosch – PhD student at the University of Oxford

Munib Khanyari – PhD student at the University of Bristol, Nature Conservation Foundation-India

Jon Taylor – Deputy Director of Save the Rhino International

Chaired by

E.J. Milner-Gulland – Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford


Humanity’s relationship with nature has become increasingly unsustainable, as evidenced by the COVID pandemic and recent devastating fires and floods. We need to come together, people from all countries and all backgrounds, to raise our voices so that those in power hear us and change their policies. And we need to take action as individuals and communities.

#Pledgeforourfuture is a place for people to say how they feel, get inspired and commit to changing their lifestyles and to influencing others.

Our panellists come from different age groups and different parts of the world – Argentina, the Netherlands, India and the UK. They have a shared vision of empowering people to find the answer to the perennial question “But what can I do to help?”.

In this session we will hear about where they got their love of nature, about how they have tried to make a difference, and about what gives them #ConservationOptimism. And we will discuss what all of us can do to make a real difference.

The discussion will be followed by a Question and Answer session. Please send any questions for the panel in advance to: contact@pledgeforourfuture.earth, or tweet them to #pledgeforourfuture