Different ways to leave a gift in your will

White rhino cow with calf White rhino cow with calf

Credit: Steve and Ann Toon

Understanding the types of gifts you can leave to make a lasting impact

One powerful way you can help is by leaving a gift to the charity in your Will.

Your legacy can play a crucial part in the fight to protect rhinos – and it’s easier than you might think. Here’s how you can leave a lasting impact.

Pecuniary gift (A fixed sum of money)

A pecuniary gift is a fixed sum of money you specify in your Will. Whether it is £500 or £50,000, this gift directly supports Save the Rhino’s critical conservation work. The amount you leave is fixed and does not change over time, so it is easy to plan and incorporate in your Will.

A Residuary gift (A share of your estate)

For a gift that grows with the value of your estate, a residuary gift is an excellent option. This type of donation allows you to leave a percentage of what remains in your estate after all debts, expenses, and other bequests are settled. This type of gift is one of the most effective, as it ensures your donation grows with your estate. It is also more flexible than a fixed sum, as it adapts to the value of your assets at the time of your passing. For example, if your estate includes property, savings, or investments, you can leave a percentage of these assets to charity.

Specific property or assets

If you have valuable items such as jewellery, artwork, or even property, you can choose to leave these assets directly to a charity. Specific gifts can be particularly meaningful if you have possessions with sentimental value, or items that could raise significant funds when sold. For example, you could leave a piece of land to Save the Rhino, which could then be used to preserve natural habitats.

Corporate or stock shares

If you hold stocks or shares in a company, you can leave these to Save the Rhino in your Will. The charity can either hold the stocks or sell them to raise funds for conservation efforts. Donating shares can also provide you with certain tax benefits, depending on your estate’s value and the nature of the gift.

To learn more about how you can leave a gift to Save the Rhino or to receive advice on how to include a charity donation in your Will, please get in touch.

Please note that this article applies to England and Wales only.

For more information on inheritance tax and estate planning please contact Alex Mackenzie Smith on +44 (0)20 8394 6206 or alex.mackenzie-smith@russell-cooke.co.uk

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