Photo of a rhino calf and mum - Greater one-horned species. Photo of a rhino calf and mum - Greater one-horned species.

Credit: Steve and Ann Toon

Get your school involved

Bring rhino conservation to your classroom and beyond.


Schools have a unique opportunity to play a vital role in rhino conservation, inspiring the next generation to become ambassadors for one of the world’s most magnificent creatures.

We have a variety of exciting fundraising activities for nursery, primary and secondary schools.  Whether you’re planning a onetime event or considering us as your Charity of the Year partner, we have plenty of resources to help you get started.

Our passionate and experienced team is ready to assist you as you get your school involved. Reach out to us at and a member of our team will get back to you.


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Art Sale: Host an art show featuring student artwork, with pieces available for purchase


Bake sale: Host a bake sale where students, parents and teachers contribute homemade goods

Book and toy sale: Get students to donate any unused books and toys and host a sale for students, parents and even the local community


Car wash: Set up a car wash in the school parking lot. Students and teachers can wash cars for donations


Dress down day: Allow students and staff to pay a fee to dress in casual clothes instead of the school uniform


Eco fashion show: Get students to design an outfit using recycled items and host a fashion show with an entry fee


Food truck festival: Host a food truck festival on school grounds, inviting local food truck, charging an entry fee and asking for portion of the food sales can also go to the school


Guessing Games: Fill a jar with stones or candies and let students pay to guess the number of stones or candies in the jar

Greeting Cards: Let students get creative by making a series of greeting cards, which can be sold to other students and families


Hat Day: Students pay a small fee to wear their favourite hat to school for a day


International Food Night: Host a food festival where families prepare and sell dishes from different countries (choose a country where rhinos live for the perfect theme!)


Joke Book Sale: Get students to submit their favourite jokes to be published into a book, which can be sold to family and friends


Kindness campaign: Set up a “Kindness Wall” where students can purchase and post positive notes or messages for each other


Lip sync battle: Organise a lip sync battle and sell entry tickets to other students and family members, who can all vote for their favourite acts


Movie Night: Host a movie night at the school and charge admission. Sell popcorn and snacks to raise extra funds


Non-uniform Day: Allow students and staff to pay a small fee to dress in casual clothes instead of the school uniform


Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course and have participants pay to compete


Penny Wars: Set up jars for each year. Students drop pennies in their year’s jar and ‘sabotage’ other grades by dropping silver coins or bills. The class with the most pennies wins


Quiz Night: Host age-appropriate quizzes for students and ask their family and friends to sponsor for each correct answer


Rhino Dash: Host a Rhino Dash (sponsored walk/run) to raise money for rhinos

Read-a-thon: Students get sponsors to pledge money for every page they can read in an hour


Spell-a-thon: Host an age-appropriate spell-a-thon and students can get sponsored for every word they spell correctly

Swimathon: Get sponsored for every length you swim


Treasure hunt: Put together a treasure hunt and invite students to participate by charging an entry fee


Used book sale: Collect donated books and sell them to students and parents


Variety show: Let your students show off their talent and invite other students and family and friends to watch by charging an entry fee


Writing contest: Charge an entry fee for a writing contest, with prizes for winners in different categories. You can also collate a book of the best writing and sell to family and friends


Xmas Market: Host a Christmas Market in your school hall


Yoga-thon: Hold a yoga-marathon where students get sponsors for every hour they complete


Zumbathon: Host a kid-friendly Zumbathon and students get sponsored to participate