A – Z of Fundraising Ideas for Children
- Art sale: Do you love to draw and colour? Create and sell your artwork to friends and family
- Bake sale: Bake cookies, cupcakes, or brownies to sell
- Bike-a-thon: Get sponsored for every mile you ride
- Birthday: Set up a fundraising page and ask friends and family to make a donation instead of buying gifts
- Car wash: Offer a car wash service in your local community
- Dance-a-thon: Host a dance marathon with friends and family
- Egg hunt: Organise an Easter egg hunt with an entry fee
- Exercise-a-thon: Get sponsored for doing exercises like jumping jacks or push-ups
- Fun run: Organise a fun run around your local park and invite your friends and neighbours. They can get sponsored for each lap of the park that they complete
- Guessing games: Guess the number of candies in a jar
- Greeting cards: Make and sell greeting cards to your family and friends
- Gardening help: Offer to help your neighbours with their gardens for donations
- Give it up: Get sponsored for giving something up. You could even donate the money you would have spent. Can you give up chocolate, or sweets, or fizzy drinks?
- Hula-hoopathon: Get sponsored to Hula Hoop for a set period of time
- Ice skating: Invite your friends and family to join you at an Ice Rink. They can get sponsorship for each lap they do.
- Joke book sale: Create and sell a book of jokes
- Kids’ talent show: Organise a talent show with your friends and charge admission to other friends, family and neighbours
- Karaoke: Organise a karaoke evening or contest and charge for entry fees… or earplugs.
- Lunch: Cook up a feast and invite your friends, family and neighbours. Ask your guests for donations for your hospitality. You can also include a raffle
- Movie night: Host a movie night with your friends and charge a small entry fee.
- Non uniform day: Ask your school if they can host a non uniform day for Save the Rhino
- Quiet time challenge: Get sponsored to stay quiet for a certain amount of time.
- Pamper day: Invite your friends over for a pamper day and ask them to pay an entry fee
- Quiz night: Organise a family-friendly quiz – you could include a rhino round!
- Raffle: Sell raffle tickets for donated prizes
- Rhino dash: Ask your school if they can host a Rhino Dash (sponsored walk/run) to raise money for rhinos. Find out more information on our Rhino Dash!
- Sponsored Silence: Do you talk alot? Get sponsored to keep quiet for a period of time
- Swimathon: Get sponsored for every lap you swim
- Tea party: Invite your friends to a tea party and ask them to pay an entry fee
- Under the stars: Invite your friends to camp in the garden and get sponsored to stay awake the whole night
- Volunteering: Offer your services in exchange for donations
- Walk-a-thon: Get sponsored for walking a certain distance
- X Marks the Spot: Host a treasure hunt with a fee to participate.
- Yard sale: Get friends, family and neighbours to donated unwanted good used items and host a car boot or yard sale
- Zzz: Host a sleep over and plan some fun activities for you and your friends. You can ask them for a donation to participate in the activities.