Become a Rhino Ranger who’s helping to protect rhinos by spreading the word. Let’s make sure everyone knows how amazing rhinos are and why they need our help!


Rhino Fun Facts

  • The name rhinoceros means ‘Nose Horn’. It comes from the Ancient Greek words rhino (nose) and ceros (horn)
  • Rhinos are very speedy! A charging rhino can reach up to 30-40 miles per hour, which is similar to a school bus
  • Rhinos are brilliant athletes not just overground but in water too, with the Greater one-horn rhino being excellent swimmers!
  • Rhinos can’t text their friends. Instead they use dung as a way of communicating!
  • Like woolly mammoths, there used to be woolly rhinos roaming the Earth! Today, the Sumatran rhino is the closest living relative to the ancient species


Rhino Jokes

Question: How does a rhino pay for their holiday?

Answer: They charge their credit cards


Question: What do you call a rhino in Antarctica?

Answer: Lost!


Question: How do you know if a rhino is stuck in a fridge?

Answer: You can’t close the door!


Question: How do rhinos connect with their friends online?

Answer: They use the Rhi-fi!


Question: What does an Oxpecker drink out of?

Answer: A beaker!


Send us your rhino jokes!

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