More than £2 million for rhinos

Female handler and dog

Between April 2019 and March 2020, you did something incredible: you helped us send £2,445,621 to rhino conservation programmes across Africa and Asia. Thank you!

We know it may seem a little late to share this news with you but, as you may imagine, the past 12 months have been a bit tricky to navigate. Despite the delay, we’re so pleased to share our new impact report with you, so that you can read more about the difference you’ve made as part of our wonderful rhino community. And, this year, you’re not only able to find out about the projects we’ve supported during the 2019-20 financial year, but also take a look back at the last 25 years of rhino conservation (and our first 25 years as a charity!)

We won’t list everything out here (you’d miss all the fun of reading the report that way, wouldn’t you!), but here are a few of the highlights during 2019-2020 – highlights that you helped to make happen.

  • Javan rhinos increased: four new Javan rhino calves were spotted in September 2019 via camera-trap footage in Ujung Kulon National Park, Java
  • Five black rhino calves were re-released into conservancy areas within Zimbabwe, after successful hand-rearing by the Lowveld Rhino Trust
  • A new veterinary lab and 14 new dormitory rooms were built at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park, supporting the daily efforts of the vets and staff working to save this Critically Endangered species
  • We brought 50 people together for the 2019 Working Dog Workshop, held in Kenya, to share knowledge and improve collaboration in anti-poaching canine units across Africa
  • The South-western black rhino subspecies was down-listed to a lower category of threat by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, after the population had grown significantly in Namibia and South Africa
  • Fewer rhinos were poached in South Africa for the fifth year in a row. While still too high, the total number of rhinos poached dropped by more than 50% since 2014

None of this could have happened without your continued support – thank you so, so much for being a wonderful member!

Read the full report here. 

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