A black rhino cow and calf standing in grass looking forward. A black rhino cow and calf standing in grass looking forward.

Credit: Lara Jackson

Thank you!

Your donation is supporting projects that give all rhinos a future.

Last year, your donations made a huge difference for rhinos. You helped to:

  • bring new technology to rangers in Kenya, helping not only to improve their safety whilst they spend days in the field, but also boost rhino monitoring efforts and data to support managing rhino populations
  • provide vital kit and resources for aerial surveillance in Namibia, supporting critical rhino security operations for at risk rhino populations
  • give funding towards the ongoing costs of the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Indonesia, where two new calves were born in 2023
  • amplify the voices calling for an end to illegal trade in endangered species, including rhinos

Thank you so much for your support. Together, we’re saving rhinos.

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